Frida V/USB Parts List
< Frida V On the back
- ASUS wl500-gP wireless router ✓
- USB Flash stick ✓
- USB connected GPS (Wintec WBT-201) ✓
- powered USB2 hub
- 12V 14Ah sealed battery
- 30watt 12v to 5v dc-dc converter module SUNPOWER SDS-030A05 ✓
- bike-mountable box
- power connectors for hub and router
- power cables
- on-off switch
- fuse with holder
Control Panel
- Arduino microcontroller board ✓
- 2x 12-position rotary switch ✓
- big red pushbutton (with led?)
- green led, blue led, red led, rgb led
- 16x diodes
- 16x 1k resistors
- protoboard with holes (perfboard)
- wires
- bolts for mounting
- pipe clamps ✓
- watertight plastic enclosure
In front
- uvc webcam ✓
- camera mount (small tripod)