The Silent Noise at Ada Lovelace Day
Women section of Theremidi Orchestra performs at Ada Lovelace Day at Kiberpipa
Tuesday, 16th October, 2012
The Theremidi Orchestra - - follows the principle of on-going workshops, constructing small DIY and DIWO electronic devices for production of brrrrrrrr, rshshshsh and iiiiiiiii sounds. The orchestra is a social communication platform in which the participants of different generations (30 years difference), gender identities, technological knowledge, and aesthetic preferences come together in order to combine open software and hardware to broaden and explore the concept of noises-scapes. While the process of building the gadgets, developing PureData patches, teaching and learning, private rehearsals, and public workshops are extremely pleasant and enjoyable events, the public sound performances have turned out to be somewhat traumatic for the women and also some emancipated men in the bend, since in the face of the public the desire to nurture mutual communication and subtle sound-scapes fails and seems to be replaced by the representation of the ego. The women of the Theremidi Orchestra would cordially like to invite the men of the bend to listen to the part of the ensemble that fails to be heard at the public performances. After the performance Tina Dolinšek - Malina, Ida Hiršenfelder, Saša Spačal and Robertina Šebjanič will show the participants of Ada Lovelace Day the basic usage of theremin-like unstable devices, that may also be connected to midi controllers.
Theremidi Orchestra, Ada Lovelace Day 2012
Ada Lovelace Day ..!♥!.. We will celebrate it on October 16th at 7pm @Kiberpipa with:
Ana Čigon: Hi-tech, low-tech ali no-tech?
Presentation of ZUIS: Elizabeta A. Baretić Kolar,
Maja Kraljič: From words to LGBTQ web dictionary
Theremidi Orchestra – The Silent Noise Women Section (Tina Dolinšek - Malina, Ida Hiršenfelder, Saša Spačal, Robertina Šebjanič)
Ada Lovelace Day aims to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths by encouraging people around the world to talk about the women whose work they admire. This international day of celebration helps people learn about the achievements of women, inspiring others and creating new role models for young and old alike.