- 1 Syntax
- 2 Implementations
- 3 Functions
- 3.1 esc
- 3.2 sqlq(text)
- 3.3 sqlqi(identifier_name)
- 3.4 wrap(pre,value[,post])
- 3.5 awrap(name,value)
- 3.6 xwrap(tag text, content text, attributes)
- 3.7 query(sql_statement[,arg,...])
- 3.8 iterate(handle,sub)
- 3.9 coalesce
- 3.10 nul
- 3.11 unesc
- 3.12 href( url, query, target, label, extra )
- 3.13 say, notice, error
- 3.14 logging
- 3.15 l10n
- 3.16 human_size
- 3.17 undocumented functions (some are internal)
- 3.18 really undocumented functions
- subset of Perl and PHP
- strip off dollars for C, JavaScript and SQL
- values of variables can be undefined
- Px (Perl) ✓
- Px (PostgreSQL) ✓
- Px (Javascript)
- Px (PHP)
- Px (Python) (volunteers?)
- Px in SQL is implemented as a part of «schema» WDBI
escape a string in one of many necessary ways
esc( format, string )
- html, xml: html text escaping: <, >, &
- attr: html attribute escaping: ", <, >, &
- url, uri: all but A-Za-z0-9\-:\./ get converted to %nn;
- c, js, javascript: newline to \n, double quote
- ascii, unac: force to 8-bit (7-bit?) ascii, replacing accented characters with unaccented
- sql, sql_literal: quote and escape a value for sql. see #sqlq
- sqli, sql_identifier: quote and escape a field name for sql. see #sqlqi
- unix, file, name: munge non-ascii and whitespace for nice filenames or uris. might clash on similar inputs.
- wiki: make space-separated words into a WikiWord
- iso_date: the supplied date or today in YYYY-MM-DD format
- sh (default!?): quote with " and escape " and ' for shell
- esc(uri,'a b c') == 'a%20b%20c'
escape and quote a value for SQL. In PostgreSQL this is function quote_literal
escape and quote an identifier (field name) for SQL. In PostgreSQL this is function quote_ident
Wrap the value with pre and post, or return "" if the value is undefined. This is useful for attaching labels to values.
Format the name and value as a valid XML attribute, or return "" if the value is undefined. This is useful for attaching attributes to tags when producing HTML or XML output.
awrap('src','http://foo bar.net') src="http://foo%20bar.net" awrap('src',NULL) empty string
xwrap(tag text, content text, attributes)
xwrap('li class="my_item"','bold','id="42"');
Run a query. Return a statement handle (in scalar mode) or an array of values (in array mode).
call the supplied sub on each value returned by handle. Handle is a sql query result handle, typically returned by the query function.
supply alternatives for undefined values
convert empty values to undefined values
reverse of esc
href( url, query, target, label, extra )
create HTML hyperlinks
select href( url, query, target, label, extra ); <a href="$url?$query" target="$target">$label</a>
say, notice, error
user-visible printing, warning, error reporting
log_msg, log_err, log_warn, log_debug, log_db
translating the user interface messages
describe size of file for humans
undocumented functions (some are internal)
isset iterateA iterateH queryH queryA query_h decode flagp xwrap awrap null str_kiki str_repeat mkdirhier