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Nacionalni koordinator programa EvsebinePlus in Varnejši internet Plus je Direktorat za informacijsko družbo/DID pri Ministrstvu za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo. Kontakt

eVsebinePlus - Osnutek pogodb


Evropska komisija je sprejela osnutek pogodbe za 1. razpis eVsebinePlus, ki je na voljo na spletnih straneh

Natečaj za raziskavo Interaktivne vsebine in konvergenca


Natečaj za raziskavo "Interaktivne vsebine in konvergenca: implikacije za informacijsko družbo
Razpisna dokumentacija

Rok za zahtevo dokumentacije je 14.10.2005, rok za oddajo prijave je 20.10.2005.

Varnejši internet Plus - Razpis

Odprt razpis evropskega programa Varnejši internet Plus

Evropska Komisija je 9. septembra 2005 sprejela delovni program Varnejši internet plus ter istega dne objavila razpis. Dokumentacija je na voljo v angleškem jeziku na spletnih straneh programa. EU sofinancira 50 do 100% stroškov.

Gre za štiriletni program, ki nadaljuje delo svojega predhodnika programa Varnejši internet in bo potekal v letih 2005-2008 s proračunom 45 milijonov evrov. V letu 2005 bo na razpisu programa predvidoma na voljo skupaj 9,2 milijona evrov. Cilji programa Varnejši internet plus so razdeljeni v štiri akcijske linije s pripadajočimi projekti

  • usposobljanje staršev, učiteljev in otrok za varno uporabo interneta, HOTLINE - klicni center za prijavo ilegalnih in škodljivih vsebin na internetu; HOTCOORD – koordinacijsko vozlišče klicnih centrov
  • boj proti nelegalnim in škodljivim vsebinam na internetu: USPOSABLJANJE UPORABNIKOV, TEMATSKE MREŽE, UKREPI ZA VEČJO UPORABO RANGIRANJA VSEBIN IN KVALITATIVNIH OZNAK, PROJEKTI S PODROČJA FILTRIRNIH TEHNOLOGIJ (lokalizacija, interoperabilnost, prijaznost do uporabnikov)
  • promocija varnejšega dela in uporabe interneta, SAMOREGULACIJA
  • dvigovanje zavesti o nevarnostih in načinih varne rabe interneta: TOČKE OSVEŠČANJA, KOORDINACIJA TOČK OSVEŠČANJA, LINIJE ZA POMOČ, UPORABA NOVIH MEDIJEV PRI OTROCIH

Rok za prijave je 24. november 2005, evalvacija projektov pa bo 12. decembra 2005.

eVsebinePlus - Razpis

Odprt razpis programa eVsebinePlus

Evropska komisije je sprejela delovni program za komunitarni program eVsebinePlus in objavila 1. razpis za sofinanciranje projektov razvoja e-vsebine. Več informacij o programu in razpisu je na voljo na spletnih straneh programa eVsebinePlus

Pomembne informacije:

  1. Sklep o vzpostavitvi programa eVsebinePlus
  2. Delovni program
  3. Besedilo razpisa (EUR-Lex: angleščina) in Besedilo razpisa (EUR-Lex: slovenščina)
  4. Rok za prijavo: 24.11.2005
  5. Višina sredstev: 26,6 mio EUR
  6. Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja (FAQ)
  7. Možnost pred-ocene predlogov projektov

Razpis za strokovnjake

EC vabi strokovnjake, da se prijavijo na razpis za strokovnjake v okviru evropskega programa eVsebinePlus in Varnejši internet plus za obdobje 2005-2008. Naloga strokovnjakov je predvsem pomagati Evropski komisiji pri ocenjevanju prijav na razpise programov. Prijavitelji morajo dokazovati izobrazbo in izkušnje relevantne za posamezen program. Komisija poziva posameznike, ki bi želeli zagotavljati strokovno pomoč v zvezi s programoma eVsebine Plus in Varnejši internet plus, da predložijo vloge. Naloge vključujejo pomoč Komisiji pri ocenjevanju predlogov, predloženih kot odgovor na pozive k oddaji predloge ter pregled posameznih projektov eVsebine Plus in Varnejši internet plus, kakor tudi starejših projektov, ki so bili financirani iz programov eVsebine Plus in Varnejši internet plus, tehnično pomoč uradnikom Komisije v okviru ocenjevanja programov, in druge naloge v zvezi s programi, ki lahko zahtevajo posebno strokovno znanje.

Razpisno besedilo (28.6.2005 C 156/23 Uradni list Evropske unije SL)

Cilj programa eVsebine Plus je, da se olajša ustvarjanje in razširjanje informacij na področjih javnega interesa na ravni Skupnosti, da bi digitalne vsebine v Evropi postale bolj dostopne, uporabne in izkoriščene, medtem ko je cilj programa Varnejši internet plus vzpodbujati varnejšo uporabo interneta in novih spletnih tehnologij, zlasti za otroke ter se boriti proti nezakonitim vsebinam in vsebinam, ki so za končnega uporabnika nezaželene.
Dodatne informacije o programih so na voljo na spletnih straneh vsakega obeh programov:
za program eVsebine Plus
za program Varnejši internet plus

Razpis je odprt od dneva objave do 30. junija 2009. Seznam strokovnjakov bo ostal veljaven do 31.decembra 2009.

Podrobnejše informacije in internetna prijava

Iskanje partnerjev

V primeru, da se odzovete na poizvedbe za iskanje partnerjev, nNacionalni koordinator za projekt eVsebine, Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanosti in tehnologoijo prosi, da to sporočite (npr. sporočilo pošljete v vednost) na [1] (Samo Zorc).

Projekt Zvočni arhivi (Madžarska)


"Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval"

Combine various disparate music, performance and related multimedia archives into a common and easily accessible archive.

In consultation with various content providers, we have identified a strong interest in sharing or unifying the content of different archives. For instance, the National Library of Scotland, Irish Traditional Music Archive, and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD TO FIX THIS PARAGRAPH AS APPROPRIATE) all wish to provide common access to each other’s material. This will be achieved through the following:

  • Establishing a common set of metadata
  • Providing tools for metadata and standard conversion
  • Providing tools for cross-archive access.

Note that an outcome of this objective is that it will enable collaboration of disparate communities with a shared interest in the materials of the sound archives.

Many sound and music archives, although increasingly digitised, suffer tremendous problems concerning access. Sound materials are often separate from other materials and media, they cannot be listened to or browsed, and there is no way to search the content. Existing systems which attempt to deal with these issues are often library or content specific, of limited functionality, or difficult to use. The EASAIER project will enable enhanced access to sound archives through providing multiple methods of retrieval, integration with other media archives, content enrichment and careful evaluation based on user needs. It offers methods of searching content based on musical features, audio features, or speech content. It also supports cross-media retrieval, enabling access of other media besides just audio. Finally, the EASAIER project benefits from the wealth of user needs studies in this area. This allows the work to be reactive; the tools that are developed through EASAIER are in direct response to user demands.

Many digital sound archives still suffer from tremendous problems concerning access. Often, there is no way to listen to material in the archive other than by going to the archive and listening on premises, making copies or borrowing materials. Furthermore, the sound archive is often completely separate from other materials, and thus related text, video, and other media must be searched by other means. Finally, the archives, though rich in content, do not have sufficient tools to enable a correspondingly enriched user experience. One may sometimes search by metadata, but the equivalent of full-text search (searching for specific sounds) is usually unavailable, and few tools, if any, are available which allow users to study the archive as a whole.

Content providers and managers are hampered in their attempts to impose order into collections. Materials are often in different formats, with related media in separate collections, and with non-standard, specialist, incomplete or even erroneous metadata. Thus, the end user is unable to discover the full value of the archived material. To expose the inherent value of the archived material, powerful multimedia mining techniques are needed, in combination with content extractors, meaningful descriptors, and visualization tools.

There is also a need to improve retrieval effectiveness. Existing retrieval systems often do not exploit the nuances of an archive’s structure, or take into account the specific nature of the media content. In regard to sound archives, search by speech is rarely combined with musical or other audio retrieval systems. Thus retrieval techniques are restricted and inflexible. To address this, multiple retrieval techniques need to be merged and deployed, and similarity and structure must be conceptualised in order to provide a usable service. An efficient and effective retrieval system needs to be grounded in semantic description, similarity, and structure in order to provide rich functionalities related to the exploration of sound archives.

Another issue for content managers and providers is that of providing appropriate interaction with and presentation of material for the end-users. An archive used by musicians and music students, for instance, requires that the material can be manipulated or modified appropriately at playback, whereas archives of recorded broadcasts need to emphasise appropriate segmentation and interactive speech recognition features.

A further pen issue for content managers and providers is of tailoring, personalizing and recommending material to end users. The creation of tailored collections with customized material has been identified as a strong user need in access systems.

These scenarios necessitate the development of enhanced and appropriate retrieval systems, as well as organizational structures and the means to interact with the presentation of materials. This demands appropriate metadata that can be automatically created in order to deliver, share or organize the archives.

We will develop an electronic system for integrating and enriching sound archives and their related multimedia content. By providing new ways of access, we will expose the inherent value of the archived material. By providing new tools for interaction at access time, we will add additional value. In so doing, we will greatly increase the accessibility of sound archives, enhance their value, improve their organizational structure and preserve a significant European cultural heritage.

Kontakt: Akos Levay, Applied Logic Laboratory, levay /-at-/ all.hu

Projekt SEARCH (Italija)


Company Engineering Sanità Enti Locali S.p.A. is preparing a proposal titled SEARCH to be submitted in the next call of the eContentPlus Programme whose deadline is the 24th of November 2005.

SEARCH will target the 5.1.1 activities by promoting an enabling infrastructure able to improve the diffusion of scientific content in the European Health Sector. To achieve such goal, SEARCH is willing to constitute a network Healthcare digital archives and deploy an user friendly multilingual search engine which will allow users (i.e. medical personnel but also Universities or other training organisations) to carry out researches, finding references and/or organise training activities for their personnel.

I would kindly ask for Your cooperation in order to identify possible content providers in Your Country. To meet the SEARCH objectives, we are interested in involving organisations (i.e. Hospitals, Local Health Authorities, etc.) which own health digital archives and are willing to take part in the SEARCH network.

Kontakt: Andrea Arcelli (aaarce /-at-/ libero.it)
SEARCH dokument v PDF obliki

Content erichment project (Italija)


Deadline: 24/10/2005

Programme: eContentPlus
Specific area: Cultural and scientific/scholarly content
Project instruments: Content enrichment project

Title: Practical application of Michael Project standards on historical archive documents

Project description:
Italy is a member of the Michael Project, as well as Great Britain and France. A European portal already exists as an Italo-French inventory of digitised material. All national and private Archives willing to take part in this project are welcome, provided they do already hold some digitised material. It will be necessary to convert the formats and metadata into those of the Michael Project, i.e. highest European standards. The aim of this biennial project is to enrich the scientific/scholarly content of the European portal. Sweden (University of Umea) will act as a provider of digitization knowledge and experience, following the Lund principles. The final asset will be the result of an agreement between the national Ministries of Culture and the central archives institutions for the inclusion of local uniformed and digitised material into the portal of the Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe. The technical assistance of the University of Umea, and the technical expertise of the partners will grant the quality of the digitised material produced and converted.

Required expertise:
The partner must be an archive holding digitised material that may be converted to the European standards used in the Michael Project.

Description of the work to be carried out by the partners sought: Availability of an archivist and of an informatic expert to train for metadata production and digital conversion of the digitised material into the European standards with the assistance of the Swedish technological provider.

Info posredovala:
Daniela Mercurio
APRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
Piazza G. Marconi, 25 - 00144 Roma (Italy)
Tel. +39 - 06-5911817 Fax. +39 - 06-5911908
E-mail: mercurio /-at-/ apre.it
Website www.apre.it

Seznam partnerjev (Francija)


Seznam (javnih in zasebnih organizacij), ki nameravajo sodelovati v programu eVsebinePlus eContentplus je na voljo tukaj

Kultura 2000

Seminarji, delavnice

Seminarji K2000 september 2005: Nova Gorica, Maribor, Koper, Ljubljana, Velenje

Redni letni razpis programa EU Kultura 2000 za leto 2006 je izšel 12. julija, prijavni rok za enoletne in prevodne projekte se izteče 17. oktobra, za večletne pa 28. oktobra.

Trenutno sta v okviru Kulture 2000 odprta še dva posebna razpisa:
Evropski dediščinski laboratoriji (rok za prijave je 19. oktober) in razpis za sofinanciranje stalnih dejavnosti evropskih kulturnih organizacij (rok za prijave je 28. oktober).

Kulturna stična točka organizira septembra predstavitve Kulture 2000 in aktualnih razpisov ter delavnice za izpolnjevanje prijavnic v različnih krajih. Predstavitve so namenjene širši zainteresirani javnosti, medijem in zlasti potencialnim prijaviteljem, delavnice pa predvsem predstavnikom organizacij, ki nameravajo (kot prijavitelji ali soorganizatorji) sodelovati na katerem od razpisov programa Kultura 2000 za leto 2006. Udeležba je brezplačna, a se je potrebno predhodno prijaviti, saj je udeležba omejena.

Ostali EU programi/objave

EU digitalne knjižnice

European Commission has published a Communication on a strategy for European digital libraries and an on-line consultation. We invite all who wish to express their opinions to follow the link below.

Press release:
Commission unveils plans for European digital libraries
The European Commission today unveiled its strategy to make Europe’s written and audiovisual heritage available on the Internet. Turning Europe’s historic and cultural heritage into digital content will make it usable for European citizens for their studies, work or leisure and will give innovators, artists and entrepreneurs the raw material that they need. The Commission proposes a concerted drive by EU Member States to digitise, preserve, and make this heritage available to all. It presents a first set of actions at European level and invites comments on a series of issues in an online consultation (deadline for replies 20 January 2006). The replies will feed into a proposal for a Recommendation on digitisation and digital preservation, to be presented in June 2006. (...)

[http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/05/1202&format=HTML&aged=0&language=en&guiLanguage=en Full of text of press release]
Link to the Communication and on-line consultation

Minerva IST

Projekt MINERVA je bil zelo dobro ocenjen in se bo v določeni obliki nadaljeval tudi v prihodnje, predvsem kot neka mreža strokovnega znanja in dobrih praks. V zvezi s tem je zanimivo tudi, da se išče sodelovanje z izobraževalnimi institucijami (tudi univerzami), ki bi lahko prevzele in izvajale učne programe o digitalizaciji na podlagi učnih gradiv, ki so bila razvita v Minervi. Če koga zanima to področje, lahko pomaga vzpostaviti ustrezne stike ga. Jelka Gazvoda /afna/ gov.si.

EUPL FOSS licenca za software EU

EU je objavila predlog licence EUPL, ki bi bila uporabljena za software katerega razvoj je naročila in financirala EU na EU nivoju. Zadeve se odvijajo v okviru programa IDABC, ki kot kaže vse bolj postaja razvojni forum na nivoju EU - z vsem kar k temu sodi(SW repository, XML standardi, delovne strokovne skupine, etc.).

EU je torej objavila licenco ter tudi iniciativo, da bi postavila nekakšen GovernmentForge - repozitorij za programsko opremo za uporabo državnih in javnih administracij (kar je področje, ki ga pokriva IDABC).

V skladu s prakso javnih razprav (konsultacij) je možnost javno podati svoje komentarje na EUPL.

Donacijska shema PHARE

Donacijska shema PHARE - Izboljšanje računalniške pismenosti brezposelnih

V uradnem listu Repulblike Slovenije bil objavljen javni razpis Donacijske sheme Phare "Izboljšanje računalniške pismenosti brezposelnih". Vsa projektna dokumentacija je obljavljena na spletnih straneh MDDSZ. Povzetek je objavljen tudi na spletnih straneh MVZT.Razpis je za MMC-je morda zanimiv zaradi možnosti on-line izobraževanja za ECDL in podpore, ki jo lahko učečim ob tem nudijo MMC-ji.

Rok oddaje: 22. september 2005
Kontakt: Andrej Vrčon, Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, Področje trga dela, zaposlovanja in izobraževanja, Kotnikova 28, Ljubljana

Sorodne mednarodne iniciative in projekti