Welcome to Open Desktop Database Project!
Open Desktop Database (ODDB) is a project, which tries to use high-end Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for configuration of desktop systems. Currently, [[1]] is supported. It aims to support [[2]] standards. We will also use UML as a modelling tool.
RDBMS inherently offers a number of features, which make it worthwile for use in such a project:
- Configuration data can be constrained (ensuring one MIME Type per pattern, for example)
- Data can be easily shared on the network
- It is easy to extend and improve the model
Data can be divided into:
- Publically consolidated data, typically from some registry: MIME Types, Globs
- Local configuration data : ?
- Search index data
- All functions must be available from shell, GUI and scripting (API) interface
Perl library
- [[%ATTACHURL%/libdesktop-perl-0.7.tar.gz][libdesktop-perl-0.7.tar.gz]]: Perl libraries and utilities for managing desktop configuration files. It lives in the Desktop:: namespace.
All commands belonging to the package are prefixed with *oddb-*. Currently, they include:
- oddb-dbi2desktop - export data from RDBMS to .desktop files
- oddb-desktop2dbi - import data from .desktop files to RDBMS
- oddb-project2dbi - register OSTG project in RDBMS
- oddb-xml2dbi- import freedesktop.org MIME Type data to RDBMS
- oddb-xml2desktop - convert freedesktop.org MIME Type data to .desktop files (obsolete)
More commands are expected in the future.
Database Schema and Functions
- [[%ATTACHURL%/desktop-0.7.sql][desktop-0.7.sql]] - database schema and functions - used by libdesktop-perl. The file already contains a number of applications and MIME types.
- PostgreSQL 7.4 or later
- [[3]] and [[4]] procedural languages
- [[5]] - XML package - available in PostgreSQL contrib
- [[6]] - full text search package
Icon theme example and guidelines - proper icons require much attention to be intuitively recognizable and look good. A dictionary of icons is also required. Example theme aims to be compatible with KDE and Gnome. Example icon theme is included in [2.0].
Study of building a desktop Linux distibution from business modelling point of view.
* [[%ATTACHURL%/sbp.pdf][LiveCD business process]] (in Slovenian)