Rozmanova ulica 12
1000 Ljubljana
Prostori: osmo/za

Blender improvement suggestions

Fast GL renderer

Implement render engine using OpenGL for quality rendering.

With GPU, this should provide much faster rendering for many cases.

Video editing

Make use of Quicktime4Linux or openquicktime library in Linux version of blender.

This should work for textures (use long video clips for textures), sequence editor and output.

Spectral analyzer

Implement a plugin, which transforms sound track into spectrum. Define 2D regions (rectangles) on spectrum and map coverage of these regions to parameters/drivers. This is very useful for sound-driven animations.

Actually, nodes for computer vision could be a very cool feature.

Library of reusable models

Implement web 3D model repository interface within blender.

Must have search and thumbnails.

Something like sourceforge, but for 3D models.

Looser than verse.

Edit menu

There should be an edit menu with common semantics. Undo/redo is not on anywhere on the menu!!!!!

Required tems:

  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Clear
  • Select all
  • Group
  • Ungroup

Better yet, make menus more configurable from python, so this can be implemented with a script.

Hotkey echo

Add an option to echo hotkeys somewhere on the user preferences header. This would be helpful for recording tutorials.